Magnet Expectations and Procedures

Crittenden Middle School magnet students are expected to:

  1. Sign and abide by the Crittenden Magnet Contract
  2. Earn no less than a C in all subjects.
  3. Participate yearly in the science fair
  4. Submit a project to the STEM Expo by the 8th grade year
  5. Take a minimum of one STEM elective course each year
  6. Participate in a STEM, STEAM or computer science club yearly

At the end of the first semester the guidance counselors will review the academic progress of all students. Students who do not meet the academic expectations for the magnet school are placed on academic probation. These students then meet with the counselor to develop a magnet remediation contract to assist in improving academic performance.

A magnet remediation contract is viewed as a supportive, not punitive, intervention. The contract is developed for the purpose of preparing a student to be responsible and successful by encouraging academic excellence in all subjects and promoting the utilization of problem solving skills.
A magnet remediation contract may include:

  1. Referral to Child Study
  2. Participation in an after-school tutorial/homework program
  3. Participation in Saturday School
  4. Guidance sessions to address study skills and or time management skills
  5. Study sessions with designated faculty members (in lieu of Magnet Honor activities)
  6. Parental monitoring of student progress through use of the school planner as well as other appropriate means of communication
  7. Restriction from attendance at after-school clubs and/or intramural activities

The guidance counselor will monitor the student’s compliance with the magnet remediation contract and a progress report will be filed with the Magnet Director.

Failure to meet minimum academic requirements (C or better) for the year may result in a recommendation to the Magnet Review Council by the Magnet Director at the end of the school year. The Magnet Review Council may terminate a student’s magnet status and return the student to his/her zoned school.

Behavioral Expectations and Procedures:

Crittenden Middle School magnet students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations regarding behavior as set forth in the Newport News Public Schools’ Code of Conduct. At the end of each nine week marking period students with serious or chronic violations will be referred to the Magnet Director by the assistant principals and placed on magnet probation. Students placed on magnet probation will be restricted from participating in all Magnet Honor privileges for that nine week period. Depending on the severity of the incidence(s), students may also be referred to the Magnet Review Council. The Magnet Review Council reviews cases on an individual basis and determines if a student is to be de-selected.

Magnet Honor Activities:

  1. Magnet Honor Field Studies (pertaining to Magnet Challenge projects)
  2. Magnet Honor Assemblies (pertaining to magnet topics)
  3. Magnet Honor Motivational Movies
  4. Magnet Honor Dances (after school)
  5. Magnet Honor Field Days
  6. Magnet Honor Clubs
  7. Magnet Honor Intramural

Criteria for Probation Due to Behavior:

  1. Three (3) or more discipline referrals in a nine week period
  2. One (1) out-of-school suspensions in a nine week period
  3. 10 day out-of-school suspension in a school year

Magnet Review Council Members:

  1. School Principal
  2. Magnet Director
  3. Assistant Principal
  4. Guidance Counselor
  5. NNPS Administrative Building Representative
  6. Special Education Representative (as needed)
  7. Teacher (as needed)

Voluntary Withdrawal from the Magnet Program:

  1. A request for voluntary withdrawal from the magnet program must be made in writing to the Magnet Director.
  2. During the school year the Magnet Director will forward the parental request to the Student Assignment Coordinator for review. During the summer the Magnet Director will review the request.
  3. The Student Assignment Coordinator or Magnet Director will notify the parent or guardian of the decision in writing.
  4. Student transfers will only occur at natural breaks in the school division calendar (i.e. end of a marking period or semester).

Attendance Expectations and Procedures:

As stated in the agenda, "A student is to attend school (including all classes) each day of the school year. In addition, a student is to report to school and all classes on time. A student of compulsory school age who does not attend school is in violation of the law and the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian are subject to its penalties.

As a result, when students as Crittenden Middle School accumulate 5 absences, his/her records will be reviewed by the attendance committee. Possible consequences by the committee include:

  1. Attendance contract
  2. Referral to the Academic Lab in lieu of P.E. and/or Related Arts classes
  3. After School Detention
  4. Probation
  5. De-selection
  6. Referral to court services

Students are responsible for bringing parental, medical, or legal documentation the day that the student returns from an absence. All documentation should be given to the homeroom teacher.